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The Bon Tong boys were out and about at the weekend and made a rare excursion to the Night Bazaar so we can report on a few changes that have been happening down at the apparently still not so popular Sleaze Alley

Cream Bar, now renamed Twin Peaks has been re-modelled with the large bar counter gone having been replaced with a few small tables and a pool table. Cruise Bar and DTS bar have meta-morphised into one long bar counter, which was looking a lonely place to sit in the absence of any potential drinking companions.  Jungle Juice (front Right) has also re-opened.

CU Bar seemed to be bucking the trend and doing a roaring trade with the usual antiquated denizens of the night.  There were a few punters in Secrets but otherwise things were very slow.  Apart from some playing pool in Secrets there was a distinct absence of the usual  hilltribe youngsters too. Clearly there is some way to go for Chiang Mai to crawl out of low season.

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