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Articles in Category: Politics

Here is a selection of articles in the categoryPolitics .

Posts about political issues including Burma and the Shan state

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The day Chiang Mai lost its pride

21st February 2009 – gay Pride in Chiang Mai. What was meant to be a day of happiness and celebration was destroyed by a mob of homophobic thugs. This article looks at how this has affected the life of gay people in Chiang Mai in the years thereafter.

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IDAHOT – 17 May 2015

May 17 is IDAHOT – International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Bi-phobia. In recognition of IDAHOT this article gives an overview of issues surrounding discrimination and hompohobia against gay people and LGBT in Thailand, the so called gay paradise.

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Chiang Mai Gay Scene – May update

All the latest news from Gay Chiang Mai for May 2015. The Songkran madness is gone and the odd thunderstorm is cooling the air. We have news of a new bar opening, whilst several other businesses have closed. The Nimman area continues its meteoric rise whilst the political situation remains stable. Find out why now is a great time to visit Gay Chiang Mai

Club one Seven Chiang Mai - Gay Sauna and Guest House - banner 234x60Adam's Apple Club - Chiang Mai's best known gay go-go bar - sponsor banner

Je Suis Charlie

Je Suis Charlie – The world would be a much better place without religion.

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Shan Boys and Trafficking

Trafficking is an emotive subject with many facets and implications. Sometimes, certain aspects of the issue are mis-represented by those purporting to do good, but operating with hidden agendas. This article provides photographic evidence of how some Shan Boys have been trafficked and exploited in Chiang Mai

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2014 – A year in Gay Chiang Mai

As we welcome in 2015, Chiang Mai Gay news takes a look at what’s happened in the last year. Enjoy our month by month reminder of the more significant happenings, changes and events in Gay Chiang Mai during 2014

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A very Thai Coup

Thailand update – May 2014 Just last week we wrote an update on Chiang Mai for May, which had already been a newsworthy month. First there was the earth quake, then the removal of Thailand’s Prime Minister by the judiciary. Since then, more dramatic news. Firstly we had the imposition of Martial Law by the […]

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Five Years Ago Today – The last Gay Pride

21 February 2009 is the day Chiang Mai was disgracefully brought to the attention of the world, not because of its seven hundred year history, Lanna architecture, cultural heritage, temples, natural beauty and fabulous people, but because of a small intolerant minority with a political agenda. 21 February is now the day to remember violence […]

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LGBT – Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Day in Chiang Mai

“Our Rights Our voices” Love without frontiers “Our Rights Our voices” Love without frontiers was the theme of an event held yesterday (29 November) at Thapae Gate supporting LGBT and sexual diversity. The event was organised by the Rainbow Sky Organisation of Thailand and M Plus Foundation was in support of the campaign for a […]

Club one Seven Chiang Mai - Gay Sauna and Guest House - banner 234x60Adam's Apple Club - Chiang Mai's best known gay go-go bar - sponsor banner

February 21, End violence against LGBT.

February 21 is a day to remember past violence against Gay Lesbian Bisexual and Transgender people and to campaign to prevent violence in future. It is four years ago today since one the most disgraceful homophobic events in Chiang Mai’s history when hundreds of thugs from the UDD Red Shirt supporters physically threatened the gay […]

Club one Seven Chiang Mai - Gay Sauna and Guest House - banner 234x60Adam's Apple Club - Chiang Mai's best known gay go-go bar - sponsor banner