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Articles Tagged: Quiz Night

Quiz night was a monthly event for gay expats and visitors, held originally at Soho Bar and more laterly at Garden Bar. Now dead due to lack of interest.

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July Gay Chiang Mai Roundup

Despite it being slow during the rainy season there are still plenty of things happening in Gay Chiang Mai. This week sees two events; on Wednesday seventeenth. Firstly, the Three Year Anniversary Party of Club One Seven takes place. Secondly the opening of a new gay owned restaurant and bar, So Be It, at the […]

Club one Seven Chiang Mai - Gay Sauna and Guest House - banner 234x60Adam's Apple Club - Chiang Mai's best known gay go-go bar - sponsor banner

December Quiz Night

Tonight 12 December is the monthly Quiz Night at the Garden bar Starts 8 p.m. sharp. December Quiz Night Tonight 12 December is the monthly Quiz Night at the Garden bar Starts 8 p.m. sharp. [[december-quiz-night]]

Club one Seven Chiang Mai - Gay Sauna and Guest House - banner 234x60Adam's Apple Club - Chiang Mai's best known gay go-go bar - sponsor banner

Garden Bar – November Quiz Night


Club one Seven Chiang Mai - Gay Sauna and Guest House - banner 234x60Adam's Apple Club - Chiang Mai's best known gay go-go bar - sponsor banner

October Quiz Night at the Garden bar

Tomorrow night, 17 October is Quiz Night at the Garden Bar Check out all the details on our new interactive events calendar

Club one Seven Chiang Mai - Gay Sauna and Guest House - banner 234x60Adam's Apple Club - Chiang Mai's best known gay go-go bar - sponsor banner

Quiz Night Tonight

Quick reminder for all you members of Chiang Mai Mensa, it’s Quiz night down at the Ol’ Garden Bar tonight. Specialist topics for tonight’s Quiz are US TV series and Science fiction writers. Get there before 8 p.m. to enjoy the fun! Don’t forget the Garden Bar also has a full restaurant with great Western, Thai and […]

Club one Seven Chiang Mai - Gay Sauna and Guest House - banner 234x60Adam's Apple Club - Chiang Mai's best known gay go-go bar - sponsor banner

Mentally Challenging!

Wit Bartender - Garden bar

If you want to be mentally challenged get along to the Garden Bar tonight before 8 p.m. for the May quiz night. Special categories this month are Space exploration and US landmarks. Mentally challenging is also the theme of the new cabaret show, aptly named the “Check Bin Show” which also seems to have connections […]

Club one Seven Chiang Mai - Gay Sauna and Guest House - banner 234x60Adam's Apple Club - Chiang Mai's best known gay go-go bar - sponsor banner

April Quiz Night at the Garden bar

Garden Bar - Gay

With Songkran over and normality returning to Chiang Mai, tonight, 18 April, sees the Garden bar at Lotus Hotel, host its regular monthly quiz night. Fun starts at 8 p.m. sharp with quiz master Steve Yarnold at the helm. Two of the categories for this month are: Lebanon ( country ) & US TV series […]

Club one Seven Chiang Mai - Gay Sauna and Guest House - banner 234x60Adam's Apple Club - Chiang Mai's best known gay go-go bar - sponsor banner

Garden Bar – Quiz Night tonight

Quick reminder, tonight is Quiz night at the Garden bar, Lotus Hotel. Fun starts at 8 p.m. Go along and enjoy the fun!

Club one Seven Chiang Mai - Gay Sauna and Guest House - banner 234x60Adam's Apple Club - Chiang Mai's best known gay go-go bar - sponsor banner

Garden Bar – First Quiz night of 2012

Wit Bartender - Garden bar

A quick reminder, the first Quiz Night of 2012 will be held at the Garden Bar, Lotus Hotel starting at 8 p.m. In a change from last year, Quiz Master Steve Yarnold has made a slight update to the format. Now the last team (i.e least points) in the monthly competition gets to choose two […]

Club one Seven Chiang Mai - Gay Sauna and Guest House - banner 234x60Adam's Apple Club - Chiang Mai's best known gay go-go bar - sponsor banner

Garden Bar Quiz – Tonight last night for 2011 competition

Tonight, Wednesday 14th December, marks the last quiz night at the Garden Bar for 2011. After tonight, the people who won the most during 2011 will compete for this year’s prize as the 2011 Champion (Date for the final run-off competition shall be announced later on). The quiz is held between team/tables with a maximum […]

Club one Seven Chiang Mai - Gay Sauna and Guest House - banner 234x60Adam's Apple Club - Chiang Mai's best known gay go-go bar - sponsor banner

Gallery of images related to Quiz Night Click on any thumbnail to see the gallery. Note: images may cover various related topics depending on what article they appeared in and may not be specifically about the Tag in question.