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This website and our award winning sister website have become one of the Internet’s best known and most comprehensive guides to everything gay for foreigners in Chiang Mai, Northern Thailand. The sites enjoy thousands upon thousands of hits every month and are consistently highly placed in Google searches related to anything Gay in Chiang Mai. We’re now offering gay businesses or organisations a chance to benefit from our popularity and further publicise their business free of charge. For Gay businesses in Chiang Mai we can also include your banner on our guide pages and offer the opportunity to add your own description under your entry in the guide as “from the owner” (Description max fifty words). Banner
Radchada Banner Advert

We are now offering free banner adverts to our friends on both sites you can find all the details of how to get a free banner on this site here or for click here N.B. we are running separate banner advertising schemes for each site.

Please note, placing free banner adverts is absolutely at our discretion and we only accept links from bona fide gay organisations or from gay businesses in Thailand. We generally won’t place links to pornographic content. Advertising and use of the website must be in accordance with our terms of use

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