Suspected Pedophile – German national nicknamed Klaus Dracula apprehended in child protection operation
Days like yesterday make me feel slightly embarrassed. Firstly, embarrassed by the hideous, henious and self indulgent actions of other gay people that give gays everywhere a bad name. The world’s homophobes love nothing more than a good gay pedophile story to engage in another round of gay bashing. Secondly, embarrassed by the actions of fellow Farang’s who reside here in Thailand as guests with scant respect for the host country many call home.
Yesterday, the peace and quiet of Santitham, home to many gay Chiang Mai ex-pats, was disturbed by the Royal Thai police and Thai Press putting on the full dog and pony show to arrest a local gay farang resident. Police allege that Karl Hicker, fifty three years old and originally from Munich in Germany, was caught with two boys under fifteen that been lured to his house for sexual services by a twenty one year old tuk-tuk driver who resided with Hicker. The Tuk Tuk driver, who comes from near the Burmese border was also arrested on charges of trafficking children who he allegedly picked up from near the Warawot flower market in Chiang Mai. The video below shows the arrest from this article on which also contains many photos (article in tahi language)
Apparently, the alleged Pedophile Hicker had been living in Chiang Mai for around twenty years and had previously owned gay bars here. According to this article on Chiang Mai City news he was also a regular visitor to CU Bar at Chiang Mai’s Night Bazaar, which this year moved out from it’s former location in Chiang Mai’s notorious Sleaze Alley. According to the article he was nicknamed Klaus Dracula because of his unkempt appearance.
We understand the arrests were made by Chiang Mai Immigration police, in co-operation with German police officers and Thai Child Protection Police. He had been under surveillance for some time and the Chiang Mai courts had issued a warrant for his arrest as a result of evidence already collected. When Police raided his house in Santitham he was allegedly discovered with two boys under fifteen. Police also took away other evidence including condoms, tablets and two computers. Hicker was know to have a number of websites and blogs about Asia and Thailand including several with pictures of young guys (Not to suggest these were underage boys or pornographic images but they perhaps give a hint to where his interests lay). Looking at these sites, it would seem he may have used the internet and advertising revenue as a source of income for living in Thailand.
Hicker’s arrest has been well published in the German media who say that he lived in Freising where his family ran a well known fashion store, before moving to Garching near the Austrian border. One article suggests he lived in squats in Berlin to avoid military service and played in a Punk Rock band. He also lived in London for a while. According to quotes in the German media from people who knew him in Germany, he had, “gone off the rails” and one friend even said, “We thought that Klaus has died long ago high on drugs.”
If convicted he faces up to twenty five years in Jail
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