Thai Puan with Desire
Some great news for the gay magazine scene in Thailand as Thai Puan has now teamed up with Desire to produce and even better gay community magazine. We at gay in Chiang Mai would like to congratulate our friends at Thai Puan on this new development.
Thai Puan announcement
Dear Readers,
We have great news for you, we have joined with Desire to form a single magazine.
This has great advantages for all our advertisers.
We now have greater penetration in the Bangkok area.
Greater readership within the local Thai community.
Increased overall copies printed per issue.
Greater ability to cover your forthcoming events.
Finally greater security and confidence in our publication.
We are now THE TOP and most exciting Gay community magazine covering all of Thailand.
Definitely the only publication to consider if you want to get your brand noticed by potential customers.
Hoping you will love the changes.
It’s good to see Thai Puan, which has always been a magazine offering strong support to the gay community, continuing to grow in this way. Especially, since it follows on from the not unexpected demise of rival publication “Nout in Thailand”, which, following some bizarre editorial decisions was making itself increasingly irrelevant to most foreign gay visitors to Thailand. On the other hand, Thai Puan concentrates on providing useful information about the gay community in Thailand, including articles about different locations in Thailand and up to date maps and listings in the print editions.
Thai Puan Issue 70
The latest Issue of Thai Puan for July and August magazine is now available in most gay venues in Chiang Mai. Be sure to pick up your free copy, or you can read it online
This issue also includes an article about Chiang Mai: “Chiang Mai – the boys from the Shan State”. It gives the reader some background into the boys from Burma’s Shan State who make up most of the working boys in Chiang Mai’s commercial bars.
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