Ram Bar is closing down
Tomorrow (29 April) will be the last night in business for Chiang Mai’s friendliest gay Bar, Ram Bar
Ram bar is closing after their landlord refused to renew their lease effectively kicking them out. The boys are sad to be losing their jobs and closing the bar and they will miss all the customers. However, Khun Wat is busy looking for a new and better location and they hope to re-open soon elsewhere. We will let you know when we find out more.

We sincerely hope Ram bar will be back soon as they would be a sad loss to the Chiang Mai gay scene. Khun Wat and his team have built a well deserved reputation as Chiang Mai’s friendliest gay bar, incorporating a professionally run bar with highly personable and good looking bar tenders who are always happy to engage with and entertain the customers. Wat has also been an innovator holding many special events and parties with various themes that always attracted a good crowd. Most recently their Friday and Saturday night cabaret shows have proved very popular and will hopefully continue once they re-establish themselves.
Their current location was also home to River House Massage and the less than successful Edge Restaurant, which has still failed to develop a strong customer base despite re-inventing itself several times. These businesses are both run by the same landlord, but we don’t know what plans they have for them. It may be that a new location will be good for Ram bar as where they are now is a little out of the way and devoid of parking making it harder to attract customers.
Farewell Party
Ram Bar’s last event will be a farewell party on 29th April with the theme “Kick Out Ram Bar Party”. Read more details in our events calendar. Please go along and show you support for Ram Bar and make this a night to remember.
Wat, Sam, Ert and Simmy would like to thank everyone for their support and look forward to seeing everyone again soon in a new location.

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