Chiang Mai Expat Club – LGBT Group
The LGBT group is part of the Chiang Mai expats club and is a social group for gay and LGBT in Chiang Mai with regular events such as dinners and other activities.
New leader required
Back in December David Cartwright, leader of the Chiang Mai LGBT group, part of the ex-pats club announced he would step down from the leadership role at the start of this year after four years in the role. He is therefore looking for nominations and/or volunteers to take over the leadership of the group. David said, “I feel it is now time to hand over leadership of the group to somebody with fresh ideas and energy in order to re-invigorate its on-going functionality and development here in Chiang Mai”.
Leadership Farewell Event
As a final departing gesture to all of you who’ve either lead, hosted or supported any of David’s events or meetings he is extending to extending to members and their partners an invitation to his house in Fa Ham Village for a Cheese & Wine Party.
The date is Sunday, 28th January commencing at 4pm, end about 7pm. David will provide the cheese, bread, crackers, nibbles and soft drinks but request participants to please bring the wine!
Please RSVP asap – 1st come 1st served as David can only seat about 18, maximum!
You can use the from below to contact the LGBT group and register for this event. David will then send you more details on how to find his house. You can also use the form to make suggestions regarding the vacant leadership position.
Contact Chiang Mai Gay Men's Group
You can use the form below to contact the Chiang Mai Gay Men's Group and sign up to their mailing list
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