Shock in the gay and ex-pat communities

January 22nd 2009 was when the news broke that a well know member of Chiang Mai’s ex-pat community had been found murdered at his home in Chiang Mai. David Crisp, 56 and originally from Derby in the UK, had retired to Chiang Mai a couple of years before, having taken early retirement from his job as a music teacher in Scotland. David was well known and liked in both the gay and ex-pat communities in Chiang Mai. A talented musician, he was involved with various musical groups and events, as well as the gay Long Yang Club.
He was murdered by some hill tribe money boys he had befriended and brought to his home. He was known to regularly frequent gay bars in Chiang Mai and often enjoyed the company of young men at his home. As this story has already been covered extensively in previous articles we will not repeat the morbid details. To read other articles about this story click here.
The murder provoked a big shock to the foreign community here, especially the gay community. Many here frequented the same gay bars and even knew the perpetrators. The incredulity was made greater because David was such a mild mannered and respectable guy. Not at all the type of person one might have expected to meet such a brutal end. David will still be remembered by old-timers from the ex-pat community here in Chiang Mai as he was intelligent, good company and well liked.
Although he had only recently retired, David loved the city and had visited many times in the preceding years before deciding to make it his home. Gone but not forgotten, R.I.P David.
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