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Keep that Grey Matter in training

For the more intellectuality enthusiastic one of the high spots of each month for Chiang Mai’s Gay ex-pat community is the monthly Quiz Night at the Garden Bar (Lotus Hotel).  This month the Quiz will be held on Wednesday 15 September at 8 p.m. with the regular quiz master Steve Yarnold.

The rules of the Quiz are:

*  The competition is between team/tables (each team/table will have no more than 4 persons per team/table). Each team/table will pay Baht 200 and the winning team/table will collect the lot.
*  The runner up team/table gets a free beer/soft drink from Mohamad.
*  The Quiz master has the last word in case there is an argument or disagreement.
*  Starting time is 8pm, so kindly make sure you arrive on time.
*  Each question that is answered correctly grants the team/table one point
*  The difficult round grants 3 points per question.
*  Each team is allowed to play the Joker once except for the difficult round. If a team/table chooses to play their joker, then their total points for that round will be doubled.

    Everyone welcome – come and join the fun – you may not be as stupid as you think 🙂

    For more info please contact Mohamed at Lotus Hotel:

    1. admin says:

      You can see the photo’s from the event on

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