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Free Guy Club – Same Same but different

The temperature has risen, the pollution is coming, school’s out for summer and everyone seems to have left town. Everywhere the same this week, lonely venue owners, propping up their own bar’s and crying in their beer 😉 Not helped by Chiang Mai having been visited by some of Bangkok’s finest, doing the annual rounds to ensure the good old standards of behaviour and adherence to the law was being maintained in the provinces.

Well, not so at the old Free Guy club it seems. Now in it’s sixth year it has to rank as Chiang Mai’s most hospitable Host or Go-Go bar. Absent here is the chintzy decor, or banal sterility of the latest remodel the other host bars all seem to have undergone. Free Guy holds true to that hackneyed Thai phrase “same same” whilst still managing to be different. No Coco the clown wannabe mamasan, no lady boys, (though if Ray, the ever grinning owner doesn’t get a hair cut soon…..:) ), no gimmicks with guys’ wearing ties trying to look sophisticated, and pretend the club is anything other than a whore house! No, you won’t find any of that at Free Guy, just plenty of smiling people happy to greet you; the club has one simple message, “this is me, this is what I’ve got to offer, you want to take me home”?

So in our bored desperation with Chiang Mai we wandered along to see if there were stirrings of life here. Well, what can I say? What a pleasant surprise:

Bong Tong Boy Mr Bank Bong Tong Boy Mr Bank
Bong Tong Boy Mr Bank Bong Tong Boy Mr Bank

Yes, it seems original Bon Tong boy and everybody’s one time favourite, Mr Bank, is back in town and working at the ‘ole Free Guy looking just as good as we remembered. Apart from another gratuitous excuse to post pictures of handsome Tai Yai’s here’s one more for our patriarch Khun Note.

Bong Tong Boy Mr Bank

If you’ve never been to Free Guy here’s the run down: twenty-thirty well endowed boy next door type Tai Yai guys, show starts from around 10:45 to midnight and consists of a variety of different scenes, such as showers, wild animals, dancing with umbrellas (Sigh, yes they still have that show….) plus a few others, with the participants in different revealing constumes. All seem to end with a scantily or un-clothed guy or two strutting their stuff on stage for everyone to admire :). In between the acts they have two or three guys doing go-go on podiums around the bar. No cover charge but single drinks are 200Bt, but they have some good deals on whiskey sets if you are with friends.

Another surprise was seeing old friend of Radchada Mr Ten there too. Queue another excuse for pictures:

Bong Tong Boy Mr Ten Bong Tong Boy Mr Ten

Yes, Free Guy lived up to expectations – though of course nothing there is free! If you like simplicity with a smile this is where to go.

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