According to the site statistics our directory page for Chiang Mai’s gay massages is by far the most popular with thousands of hits per month. We assume this is because visitors know where the main bars are but are always looking for new massage experiences. There are so many in Chiang Mai now you’d need a long stay to visit them all. To help our visitors we though we’d do this article by way of an update.
Chiang Mai’s massage shops offering offering massage “for men by men”, in gay parlance often know as a “rub and tug”, are a great alternative to go-go bars with their many straight Tai Yai boy hosts. In the massage places you are sure to find friendly gay masseurs among the selection of handsome men you can choose from, that can provide a good massage with a happy ending whatever way you like it! Massage shops usually open early afternoon too, if you want to avoid the late night factor of the bars. Many types of massage service are available and, in addition to the massage charge, you are expected to give a tip directly to your masseur, usually in the range 500-1000 Bt depending on the services provided.
Although a little way out of town, off Chang Klan road near the Holiday Inn Hotel, the aptly named One 2 Come massage parlour is highly recommended for gay visitors. The neat cottage style building is discreetly located in a nice garden on a small soi offering maximum privacy. Unlike most of the massage venues in Chiang Mai, One 2 Come has en suite bathrooms with showers in every massage room and their VIP room even includes a large Jacuzzi. The beer garden rounds off the experience as you can relax with a beer before or after your massage and get to know your masseur.

Close by is the newly opened Club One Seven boutique guest house and sauna located in an old teak house right on the river. Also in that area are other massage parlours: His Club, Blues Club and the recently opened Victory Massage.

Closer to town, there are more massage choices near the night bazaar area. Hidden in the small sois is The Wall massage, which is tastefully decorated in a Thai style (some of Bon Tong’s favourite boys work here). Another nearby option is Classic House, or Two Brothers near the Loy Kroh Muay Thai complex where you can also find the fun packed Marina Bar; a full blown lady boy bar right next to the Thai boxing ring! Near the Old Peak bars on Thapae Soi 1 is M2M, or and newly opened at The Thapae Palace Hotel is HISO Spa

To the north of town in Chang Puek district, where most of Chiang Mai’s gay venues are located, you can relax at the Marn Mai Massage, or Gemini, close to the New My Way host bar. Gemini always seems to have cute boys but is rather overpriced with mediocre facilities. New in the area is Massage by Club M (same Club M as the infamous karaoke).
Other massage venues include River House, by the same people as Classic House and, as the name suggests, located in picturesque surroundings right on the river. Mystic Orient is in Chang Moi district, near Thapae whilst Sanctuary Spa is near Chang Mai gate opposite the Chinese consulate and newcomer Marspa is in the same soi as House of Male.
Many of the massage places are difficult to find, even with our map, so we have generated a special Google map of Chiang Mai Gay Massage Establishments, you can see the small version below follow the link for full size. There is also our downloadable list of venues with addresses in Thai you can show to a Tuk-Tuk driver, which includes all the massage places. Apart from getting a massage this should give you plenty of other ideas of places to go and enjoy in Chiang Mai.
Have fun but please remember to play safe and use a condom!
View Chiang Mai Gay Massage and Spa – Locations in a larger map
See below for our alphabetical list of Chiang mai Massages (with links)
Or for more information visit our Gay Massage directory page
2 Brothers
Blue Club
Classic House
His Club
Hiso Spa
Marn Mai
Massage by ClubM
Mystic Orient Massage
One 2 Come
River House Massage
Sanctuary Spa
The Wall
Victory Massage
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