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Site updates and the Shan State

We’ve now completed updating the sidebar on this site to include a couple of Gay news feeds from around the world as well as one from The Irrawaddy giving the latest news from Burma. We’ve also added a panel on the sidebar explaining about the Shan people and why we cover them on a Gay website about Chiang Mai!

But then why wouldn’t a Gay website take an interest in such beautiful young men?

Some of our Best Friends from the Shan State 🙂

Just reviewing the latest articles this one is particulalry damming on the current behaviour of the Junta in the Shan State: ‘Four Cuts’ Forcing Shan Villagers from Homes This is happening only a couple of hundred kilometers from Chiang Mai!

We’ve also added a new link at the top of the page and on the Sidebar for our friends at The Best Friend Visit their site to see the great work they are doing to support Burmese refugees. I’m sure they would welcome donations too.

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