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Articles Tagged: tai Yai

Tai Yai or Big Tai are people of Tai descent (not Thai) from Burma’s Shan State.

Here are articles on this website tagged with: tai Yai

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We have 98 images related to the tag "tai Yai"  Click Here to scroll down to the full image gallery.

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Shan Boys and Trafficking

Trafficking is an emotive subject with many facets and implications. Sometimes, certain aspects of the issue are mis-represented by those purporting to do good, but operating with hidden agendas. This article provides photographic evidence of how some Shan Boys have been trafficked and exploited in Chiang Mai

Club one Seven Chiang Mai - Gay Sauna and Guest House - banner 234x60Adam's Apple Club - Chiang Mai's best known gay go-go bar - sponsor banner

Gallery of images related to tai Yai Click on any thumbnail to see the gallery. Note: images may cover various related topics depending on what article they appeared in and may not be specifically about the Tag in question.