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Dong Bar

These days it’s not so often that we get to report on a new gay bar in Chiang Mai, but this is a pleasant exception. This weekend we made a rare visit to the south side of the city to investigate Chiang Mai’s latest gay addition, the new Dong bar. The name apparently means Jungle Bar in Thai (ดงบาร์) though we liked the entirely appropriate double entendre, if you get the meaning! Dong bar is like nothing else ever seen in Chiang Mai before and goes way beyond raunchy; it might be better described as a sex bar than a go-go bar.

dong bar

From outside, Dong bar doesn’t look much and is almost engulfed in vegetation. It’s located in a dead end side soi in that under developed area around the Haiya district somewhere south of the Mae Kha Klong. From the outside it looks more like a shack with a small, though nicely done beer bar and seating area at the front, with a surreptitious looking door leading into the main venue.

Dong bar - the water boysWhat we found inside was totally unexpected though. The front section is an air conditioned lounge, with large sofa’s and bamboo walls partitioning the space into more private areas. The rear wall of the lounge area is glazed so you can look out at the rest of the bar and the “action”. The rear section is essentially outdoor, but enclosed by tall bamboo walls and the seating area is partly covered with a roof for the rainy season. The centre piece of the bar is a big pool and large artificial waterfall surrounded by plants and palm trees, including a large coconut tree (not sure what happens if a coconut falls during the show though). Indeed, the whole back wall of the bar seems to be nothing more than dense vegetation.

It’s the boys that make this place special; some very handsome specimens from Tai Yai land looking completely natural in their skimpy loin cloths which allow easy access for wandering hands. Audience participation is actively encouraged. Whereas, the waiters are dressed in military themed shorts and vests. The night we went there were only about twelve boys, several were older muscular guys; apparently the captain used to work at Circle so many will know them. But, there were also some cute twinks too. We were told normally there are about twenty boys but several were at the Poy Sang Long festival at Wat Ku Tao.

Dong Bar - waterfall boyBefore the show, which starts around 11.00, the boys dance go-go on a bridge spanning the pool and on small podiums with bamboo poles which are spread around the bar. The show is the proposition that puts Dong bar in a different league from anywhere else in Chiang Mai, we won’t give too much away as to spoil the surprises, but it starts with the boys emerging from a cave under the waterfall, all completely naked. They then proceed to dance in pairs around the poles rubbing their bodies together. This is followed by several of the usual go-go style skits, some which get right in the face of the audience. The pool and waterfall make great props and there’s nothing like the site of naked guys frolicking in the water. The bananas and cream added an interesting twist too!

The highlight was the two full sex shows, which were as good if not better than anything ever seen in Bangkok, with full blown action including several hot guys. A fun twist was the audience gets to choose the “bottom” in a kind of auction; three boys go around soliciting donations and the winner takes all, both figuratively and literally. I’ll leave the rest up to your imagination, let’s just say these boys aren’t shy……

Dong Bar - Water boys showUnlike other go-go bars, this place is actually a private club. Membership for one visit is 200Bt for Thai’s and 500Bt for Farangs or an annual fee of 1000Bt for Thai’s and 2000Bt for Farangs (Yeah, I know what everyone is gonna say but TIT). However Drinks prices were a bit less expensive than other bars. 180Bt for a drink, 990Bt for 100 Pipers set. Off fee is 500Bt. Clientele was mainly Thai and the place is geared for them. It’s discreet location making it popular with more hiso and influential Thai’s. It’s only been open a couple of weeks but already it looks like it will give the other bars some decent competition.

They don’t have a web site yet, but the owner Nong, did send us the pictures for this write up. In typical Thai fashion most of these places are publicised by word of mouth as they don’t want to attract too much attention. Dong bar is located off soi Maesayonngaw (เมษายนโง่) Suriyawong Road, Hiya District. The bar is open from 9 p.m. and continues with Karaoke until 6 a.m.

  1. admin says:

    Seems like our article about Dong bar has been one of our most popular with numerous requests for more information. You can get details of the location here:

  2. Reader says:

    Where exactly is it? I can’t seem to find it. Could you give a little more detail regular ding the location? Thank you.

  3. thomas says:

    A far from foolish idea.

  4. thomas says:

    Thank you for the news about the new DONG bar.
    Having a private club is a good idea and I will join on my next trip to Chiang Mai IF the club remains a GAY ONLY club! Thailand badly needs an exclusive GAY MEN ONLY club. Going into the ‘gay’ bars in Bangkok and Pattaya now is a waste of time as most of the clients are straight women. There are enough bars already for straight women without ruining the few gays venues.
    Pass on my views to the owner please.

  5. Nicky says:

    Happy April 1

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