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Information and Articles about Gay venue : Kudos Bar

Below you will find information about Kudos Bar  with links to articles, photos and events tagged Kudos Bar

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Kudos Bar

Venue is bar

This venue closed in  Closed Sept 2007

Beer bar with indoor and outdoor spaces located at Sompeth Cold Place on the moat - subsequently became CU Bar some years later.

  • Kudos Bar
  • , other, chiang mai, Thailand
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Articles Tagged: Kudos Bar

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Latest Articles

Night Bazaar – End of an Era

Secrets Bar and CU Bar are moving After weeks of uncertainty the news finally came in the last week that the leases for the bars at the Night Bazaar would not be renewed. Furthermore, the remaining businesses there have been given virtually no notice of the impending closure which will take effect at the end […]

Club one Seven Chiang Mai - Gay Sauna and Guest House - banner 234x60Adam's Apple Club - Chiang Mai's best known gay go-go bar - sponsor banner

Whatever Happened Too……….. Can you help?

Adams Apple Show

Our first article in our occasional series “Whatever happened to….” seems to have struck a chord with many and we’ve had some interesting feedback, not to mention several pleasant evenings supping beer and discussing the good old days of Chiang Mai’s gay scene with friends. We already have enough material for several articles but before […]

Club one Seven Chiang Mai - Gay Sauna and Guest House - banner 234x60Adam's Apple Club - Chiang Mai's best known gay go-go bar - sponsor banner

Gallery of images related to Kudos Bar Click on any thumbnail to see the gallery. Note: images may cover various related topics depending on what article they appeared in and may not be specifically about the Tag in question.