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Rainbow Lifestyle Card Launches 1 July 2012!

Join this exciting GLBT community venture in Asia-Pacific!

At Rainbow Lifestyle Card we believe the GLBT community needs all the support it can get, and one big way to do that is to help each other, and to promote a positive image. The Asia Pacific GLBT Community is large and varied with diverse beliefs and cultures, but we all have one thing in common – the fact that we are GLBT.

Rainbow card Logo

Our community is accepted in some places, and threatened in others. If we stand together and promote ourselves as a responsible and forward thinking united community, we have a greater chance of seeing tolerance replacing bigotry.

The founders of Rainbow Lifestyle Card seek the support of GLBT-friendly businesses across Asia-Pacific in our quest for a better world. Support those who support your businesses, and see our community and your business grow stronger.

As an ‘ordinary’ (but we like to think extraordinary) GLBT citizen, you can play your part by supporting GLBT businesses that accept the Rainbow Card, in that way you are helping our community, while those businesses are giving something back to you, and in their way also helping our community.

The Rainbow Card will be promoting and supporting Pride and other community events across Asia Pacific over the coming years. We’ve seen a great deal of interest, and many businesses in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Singapore are already part of Rainbow Card, while we’ve also had many contacts from GLBT companies and groups in Hong Kong, Australia, and the US.


We already have hundreds of card carrying members from countries as diverse as China, the US, Singapore, Germany, Cambodia, the UK, Thailand, and many others, all now ready to take part in the community building opportunity that the Rainbow Lifestyle Card offers.

Its free to join, both for businesses and members, at

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