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Christmas is coming

Happy Gay Christmas

In a Buddhist country like Thailand, where there is little room for belief in the world’s most famous work of fiction, it is no surprise that Christmas is a normal working day that is not celebrated.

Jesus-coming-outWhilst Christmas decorations may adorn shops, bars and restaurants around town, they are largely a cynical attempt to financially exploit Chiang Mai’s foreign population with the allure of their home traditions. Given the number of restaurants and hotels with special Christmas menus it is obviously a lucrative business too.

For many of the older generation of Chiang Mai’s ex-pat gay community, who were brought up in the Christian west where the church was, and still is, one of the worlds biggest advocates of homophobia, Christianity remains something to be abhorred rather than celebrated. However, old habits die hard and its well known how much we Pooftas love to party, so no surprise either that Christmas is still a great excuse for old fairies to gather round the Christmas tree to eat, drink and make merry whilst blissfully ignoring its origins.

Fun Memories - "I'm a Reindeer" at Friendship Bar - The Peak
“I’m a Reindeer” Gay Christmas Fun in Chiang Mai by “Christmas tree”

This year around Chiang Mai’s gay bars it will be no different, though there do seem to be fewer organised events than in years gone by.

Christmas Eve


Christmas Day


Christmas is Cumming

And what better way to piss of a Christian for Christmas than go to a go-go bar and watch some extremely handsome young men from Burma’s Shan State put on a real show and let it all hang out? And don’t forget, those boys are all looking for that special Farang “Daddy” Santa Claus to take them home and shower them with gifts (amongst other things 🙂 )

If none of the above appeals don’t forget Christmas day falls on a Thursday so you can always escape to House of Male for Buddy Night! Or pop into Radchada Garden Café where Khun Note promises he won’t celebrate Christmas unless someone buys him a bottle of whiskey.

Note at Radchada Garden Cafe
“Khun Note: All I need for Christmas is whiskey – Please”

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