The Boys from The Shan State – Part 6

The Shan State is the region of Burma which borders northern Thailand and is home to the Shan, or Tai Yai (meaning Big Tai) ethnic people. The Shan State has been a conflict zone for many years with large numbers of Tai Yai people having migrated to northern Thailand to escape violence and economic hardship. Being the largest city,any have come to Chiang Mai where they provide most of the labour for Chiang Mai’s major construction boom.
Whilst many are refugees from Burma some were also born in Thailand. Towns like Fang, Chiang Dao and some of the many small villages towards Chaing Rai or Mae Hong Song have Tai Yai communities that have grown up over generations. Many of the young men working in Chiang Mai’s commercial gay bars and massage shops are Tai Yai so you will likely meet a few if you visit here. Over the years we have made friends with a great many Tai Yai guys and found them to be wonderfully friendly people. Out Shan boy galleries introduce you to a few of them. We hope you enjoy the pictures
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